White cotton tunique nurse uniform

Hi, sorry don't speak Spanish.. we are an italian b2b distributor, sometimes manufacturer too. We would like insering for one of our product a possibility. We serve workwear market. Our focus is on medical work wear. We like to know if is possible value a production of white cotton uniform/tunique/shirt, the based one, standard nursery shirt. Material is necessary: A good 100% white cotton, well available. We may add faster this artical on our products' portfolio Thank you for your attention and time. Have a good work Best regards

General Data

Order details

  • Date of publication: 25/11/2022 (1 year ago)
  • Finish date: 31/03/2023 (31/03/2023)
  • Suppliers: 7 interested companies

Order manager


Technical summary of the order

  • Amount: 1000 units